As a starting Christian, it is so hard to achieve a relationship with God. We look at it as some chore or some obligation that you have to do. It is hard to commit yourself to do what God wants because you have other likings. It is essential to understand that we have to have a relationship with God, not for him, but ourselves. God loves us, but at the end of the day, our relationship with God is not some weight you have been carrying but a gift from God to us.

God is our father and a king. He is a king that governs the earth. His power is beyond our knowledge, and his great love for us is boundless. He is perfect in all his ways, and it is his grace to us that gives us the right to even have a relationship with him. His salvation is nothing but a gift to us, and all we have to do is have faith that at the end of the day, Jesus has risen, and he will come back. (Romans 5:5-6) “Now, hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. For when we were still without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly.” But even when knowing this, we are still unmotivated. We know of God’s great deeds, but we think that our life would be so free without him when it is just the opposite. So, for those people who want to have a relationship with him, but are so unmotivated to do so? We can take baby steps.

When having a relationship with God, we can’t rush everything and expect to be finishing the bible, and speaking prophecies from the get-go. We have to have starting points. I recently talked with someone about “what if a person has never heard of God but is very kind?”. At the end of the talk, I realized, in some way, God will come into your life and introduce himself as our savior and our father. May it be through his disciples or scriptures on the internet, he will always try and make a cameo into our life to present us a choice with a relationship with him, that way we don’t have the excuse to ignore him. As Christians, we should find our starting points.

A good starting point would be just praying to him every night. We can talk to him and tell him about our day and our struggles. God will always be there to listen. He will comfort and be with us through our darkest times. Because even though God is our Lord, he is also our father. He will always be there to guide us if we get lost because he is perfect in all his ways. When we build a habit of praying, that is when everything else forms. From there, you can start reading little passages every day and then reading chapters to books, and then you can finally have a relationship with him that you thought was burdensome.

While we walk with God, we might stumble, but that’s ok. God will always extend his hand and reach out to us, and it’s us that has to take that hand and stand up. Our faith might still waver, but no matter what, we have to stand in the belief that God will always await us in open arms. To run God’s race, we have to crawl first, and after that walk, and steadily, we can run. We can run to God. -KT